Scripture Study
I love scripture study.
Being a grown-up, church isn’t about learning, for me, anymore. I am super distracted because I have small children who depend on me for reverence in Sacrament Meeting. There’s a good chance that I am teaching in the other hours, and while learning new things from the Spirit as you say them is a thing, it’s not a good idea to depend on it for spiritual sustenance. Therefore, personal scripture study is essential.
I don’t do enough scripture study. That has been the message from the Spirit the last few weeks. And I want to solve that problem before General Conference, because I don’t want that to be the only message I receive.
I am jealous of missionaries because they have two hours of scripture study built into their day. Doesn’t that sound heavenly?
Of course, I am in charge of my day. I choose what I do. I am choosing to not study my scriptures. I feel bad about that. I know busier people than me fit in way more scripture study than me.
I’ve been trying to write out my obstacles and why I haven’t been studying, and the excuses just sound so lame.
I know that the blessings will outweigh the cost. I know that the time will pay for itself in increased vision and happiness. I feel the Spirit right now as I write this, giving me confidence.
What has worked for me in the past:
Not sleeping until I have read enough to feel inspired.
Coloring lines of favorite verses with colored pencils.
Keeping scriptures next to my bed and reading as soon as I wake up, but before I feel like getting up.
Thinking about problems while reading the scriptures
Thoroughly preparing for talks and lessons