Usborne and Norwex
Sorry to everyone who has ever tried to sell me one of these products. They look awesome and you truly did make me want to give you my money.
But here’s why I didn’t.
Norwex first. Consultants say they have new technology in their rags: microfiber to collect more dirt than regular rags and silver fibers to kill the germs once collected. There are videos of women wiping up raw chicken goop with only the rag, then testing the counter and finding no protein left.
Looks pretty awesome. They say you can replace most of your cleaning closet for just a few Norwex products, which only use water.
The internet told me, however, that there is another company that makes silver microfiber rags called E-Cloth. Which are cheaper, and reviews on the internet don’t find a big difference.
So. If Norwex products are supposed to save me money by not having to buy lots of different cleaning products, it doesn’t make sense to drop a hundred dollars on new cleaning products. And I am pretty confident that brand-name cleaning products sold by large chain stores are not THAT harmful for my family, so there’s no immediate danger to escape.
So, next time I need to replenish my cleaning supplies, I will buy an e-cloth.
This one was tempting. Usborne is a book publishing company that does a really good job. From my perspective as an educator, a really, really good job.
I am feeling ashamed at my lame word choice. Let me keep trying… the books are full of fresh content, yet they are accessible to my children. I learn things from them as well. Their Princess Treasury was the best book on princesses I have read (and I have read a lot). Their art books are full of intriguing project ideas, their phonics readers are simple, yet funny.
So I had picked out a short list of… okay, a long list of books I wanted. But I checked the library first… and I found a lot of books there. I requested them, and we are enjoying them greatly.
If you are in the Dayton Metro Library region, and you see one you like, just go to the library’s website and search the catalog for “usborne.”
The library didn’t have this one, and I thought it would guide my math instruction, so that one was purchased. For four dollars, plus shipping and handling. I’ve seen some that were one cent plus shipping and handling.
After we have read all the excellent free books in the city libraries, and then read all of the excellent one cent Usborne books on Amazon, then I will be looking for an Usborne consultant to give my money to.